
Braces: Talking Tips for a Better Smile

1 Dec 2021 DENTAL

When you first get braces, you may experience some difficulty speaking due to your teeth gradually moving into their new positions. To help you manage this challenge, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery has some tips to share. Keep in mind that it may take some time to get used to your new braces, but with practice, you should be able to speak normally again.

If you are having trouble speaking properly with your new braces, it’s important to remember that there is no need to feel embarrassed. Many people experience difficulty communicating after getting braces, and it is completely normal. With a little perseverance, you should be able to overcome this challenge in a short period of time. Here are a few suggestions that may help:

Remember that this is only temporary

When you first start using orthodontic equipment, you may experience unfamiliar sensations that make it difficult for your tongue and other oral and facial structures to move as naturally as you are used to when speaking. However, these structures will eventually adjust to the new equipment. It’s just a matter of time. In the meantime, you may find it helpful to take it slow when speaking and to practice speaking out loud or reading aloud to yourself. This can help you get a feel for how your orthodontic equipment is affecting your speech and give you a chance to adjust. If you have any concerns or need additional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist or dentist for assistance.


Learn about basic speech functions

Investing some time in becoming more familiar with your speech functions can be helpful. Not only will this allow you to understand how various parts of your body contribute to your ability to communicate, but it will also provide you with valuable tools to help you return to speaking in your usual manner. To improve your understanding of your speech functions, you may find it helpful to practice speaking out loud or reading aloud to yourself, use a mirror to observe how your mouth and face move when you speak, and relax to reduce any anxiety or self-consciousness that may be impacting your speech. If you have any concerns or need additional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist or dentist for assistance.


Invest in some orthodontic wax

Orthodontic wax is designed to create a barrier between your braces and the inside of your cheeks to prevent them from rubbing together. This can help reduce friction and make it easier for you to speak comfortably. It may also help alleviate some of the pain that can be caused by braces rubbing against your cheeks. If you are experiencing discomfort from your braces, using orthodontic wax as directed by your orthodontist or dentist can be a useful solution. Remember to replace the wax as needed, as it may become worn or fall off over time. If you have any questions or concerns about using orthodontic wax, don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist or dentist for guidance.



To become more comfortable speaking with braces, it’s important to practice speaking as much as possible. Some ways to do this include singing, speaking out loud, reading aloud to yourself, or even doing speech exercises (which can often be found online for free).

Watching yourself in a mirror or on video as you practice speaking can be helpful, as it allows you to more easily identify any areas where you are struggling and work on improving them. Alternatively, you can record yourself and then listen back to identify any trouble spots. Remember to be patient with yourself as you adjust to speaking with braces, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist or dentist for additional help or guidance if needed.

Slow down a little bit

Wearing braces can help you focus on your pronunciation and enunciation while speaking, which can aid in the adjustment process to having the braces. Over time, this practice can also help you become a more effective public speaker in a variety of situations. In the short term, focusing on your speech while wearing braces can help your mouth become accustomed to the new orthodontic equipment. If you have any concerns or need additional assistance with speaking while wearing braces, don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist or dentist for help.

Stand up straight

Proper posture plays a role in the mechanics of speech. When you stand up straight and tall, with relaxed shoulders and your chin up, your diaphragm and larynx are positioned in a way that allows you to speak with your natural rhythms and optimal pitch. Additionally, taking deep breaths in through your nose until you feel your stomach expand can help calm any anxiety you may have about speaking. Remember to practice good posture and deep breathing techniques while speaking, as they can help you communicate more effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about improving your posture or speaking techniques, don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist or dentist for guidance.

Our team at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery is here to help make your transition with braces as seamless as possible! Contact us for any questions, new consultations or appointments for existing patients.

Tips for a Successful Invisalign Treatment

1 Nov 2021 DENTAL

To get the most out of your Invisalign Clear Aligners and ensure that they are comfortable to wear, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery has some tips for you!

How can I get the most out of wearing Invisalign Clear Aligners?

If you have decided that Invisalign Clear Aligners are the right orthodontic treatment option for you, it is important to understand how to wear and care for them effectively. Here are some tips from Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery to help you get the most out of your Invisalign Clear Aligners:


1. Keep Them Clean

It’s also important to remember to brush your teeth and clean your Invisalign aligners before putting them back in your mouth after eating or drinking. This will help to prevent the buildup of bacteria and plaque on your teeth and aligners, which can cause bad breath and increase your risk of tooth decay. To clean your aligners, simply brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water, or use the cleaning solution provided by your orthodontist. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating or drinking anything except water while wearing your aligners, as this can help to keep them clean and prevent staining.


2. Track Your Schedule for Switching Times

Remember to switch to a new set of Invisalign Clear Aligners every 7 days (or as directed by your orthodontist) to ensure that your teeth are moving as planned and your treatment is progressing. To help you remember, try setting a reminder in your calendar or on your phone, or use an app provided by your clear aligner brand to track your treatment. It’s important to follow this schedule to make sure your treatment is successful.


3. Store Your Invisalign Clear Aligners Properly

It’s important to properly store your Invisalign Clear Aligners when you are not wearing them to ensure that they stay clean and undamaged. One option is to use a plastic storage case that you can easily carry with you, such as one that fits in your pocket. This will help keep your aligners clean and prevent them from becoming dirty or damaged, as well as help keep your teeth clean when you replace them. When you remove your aligners to eat, brush or floss, or participate in sports, be sure to put them in a secure location. If you accidentally leave them out, make sure to thoroughly clean them and soak them in solution before reintroducing them to your mouth.

4. Give Your Teeth Time to Adjust

When using Invisalign Clear Aligners to straighten your teeth, you can expect a slight period of adjustment when transitioning to a new set of aligners. While some discomfort is normal, your mouth will eventually become accustomed to the aligners. If you experience excessive discomfort, consult with your orthodontist or dentist for advice on how to manage it. It may also be helpful to have dental wax on hand to protect your cheeks and gums from irritation. As you progress through your treatment, your teeth will gradually shift into the desired position.

5. Use a Whitening Toothpaste

It’s true that Invisalign aligners can help to enhance the effectiveness of teeth whitening treatments. By keeping the whitening agents in close contact with your teeth for an extended period of time, the aligners can help to speed up the whitening process and achieve better results.

6. Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is essential for all patients, but it is especially important for those using Invisalign Clear Aligners. The purpose of Invisalign aligners is to fit tightly against your teeth and realign them, but this can also trap bacteria, food, and plaque against your teeth. Normally, saliva would help wash these substances away, but this does not happen when wearing Invisalign aligners. To keep your teeth clean and prevent decay and cavities, be sure to brush and floss every time you remove your aligners to eat or drink anything other than water.

7. Change to New Aligners at Night

If you’re finding it difficult to adjust to your new Invisalign aligners, you might want to try switching them at night. This will allow you to sleep through the initial period of discomfort, and you can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen before bedtime to help alleviate any pain or discomfort. Remember to always follow the recommended dosage instructions for any medication, and if your discomfort persists or becomes severe, be sure to consult your orthodontist or dentist for further guidance.

8. Wear Your Aligners for 22 Hours Each Day

It is important to wear your Invisalign Clear Aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day in order for the treatment to be effective. This means limiting the amount of time you remove the aligners for eating, drinking, and socializing. As you get used to wearing the aligners, any self-consciousness you may feel will likely fade away, and others may not even realize that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. If you do experience some difficulty speaking with the aligners at first, practice speaking to allow your mouth and yourself to adjust to them. If you have any concerns or discomfort during the treatment process, don’t hesitate to reach out to your orthodontist or dentist for assistance.

9. Monitor Your Diet & Eating Times

It is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while wearing Invisalign Clear Aligners. Because you will only be able to remove the aligners for two hours per day to eat and drink, it is important to carefully plan your meals and snacks. You may need to eliminate or limit snacking during treatment to ensure that you are able to wear the aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day. If you are concerned about maintaining your weight during treatment, it may be helpful to speak with a doctor or nutritionist about adding more calories or protein to your meals. It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as the aligners may cause increased salivation.

10. Have Backup Aligners With You

It is important to have a backup set of Invisalign Clear Aligners in case your current set becomes lost or damaged. If you don’t have backup aligners included in your treatment plan, keep your previous set as a backup. This is because new aligners usually take about a week to arrive, and during that time, you risk losing progress if you are not wearing them. If you have been wearing your previous set while waiting for your replacement set to arrive, you’ll need to restart the set you would normally wear and adjust your reminders for when to switch to new aligners in the future. Although this short setback may set your treatment back a week, you may face a greater setback if you do not have a backup or previous set available.

11. We’re Here to Answer Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about your Invisalign Clear Aligners, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery is here to help. We can address any questions or concerns you may have about your treatment plan, as well as provide guidance on how to make wearing your aligners more comfortable. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to schedule an appointment and get the support you need.

Are you curious about orthodontic treatment and want to learn more? If so, we encourage you to contact Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you understand your options for achieving a healthy, straight smile.


Teeth Grinding and Teeth Clenching in Kids

1 Oct 2021 DENTAL

Grinding and clenching of the teeth, or bruxism, can have significant negative effects on a child’s oral health. Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery notes that this problem is often related to orthodontic issues and can be effectively managed through early intervention and treatment. By seeking help from an orthodontist or dental professional, children can receive the necessary care to protect their teeth and prevent long-term damage. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you suspect that your child is experiencing bruxism. Early treatment can make a big difference in their oral health.


What is Teeth Grinding & Clenching?

Bruxism, which refers to the grinding and clenching of the teeth and jaws, is a common problem in children that can lead to a range of physical and emotional symptoms. Children may grind their teeth while sleeping, when feeling anxious, or even while chewing food. While many children will outgrow this habit as they lose their baby teeth, some do not. Physical symptoms of bruxism can include jaw pain, worn or chipped teeth, and damage to tooth enamel that can lead to future oral health problems. It can also cause earaches, facial pain, headaches, and problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Emotional factors such as tension, stress, anxiety, and depression can also contribute to bruxism. Early orthodontic intervention may be able to prevent or reduce stress-related grinding in some cases.


How Can Orthodontics Help??

At our practice, our goal with early intervention is to address any existing orthodontic problems and prevent new ones by guiding jaw growth and development. By taking a two-phase orthodontic treatment approach, we can work with your child’s jaw growth to avoid bigger issues in the future while addressing symptoms that may not be immediately associated with orthodontic issues. For example, teeth grinding or clenching may be related to airway issues caused by constricted airways or breathing problems. To determine if this is the case, we will conduct a myofunctional orthodontic exam to look for common indications of restrictions or blockages. From there, we will work on intercepting negative habits and considering options to guide the growth of the jaw and face, which may include palatal expansion.

With early orthodontic intervention and treatment, we may be able to correct teeth grinding and clenching and related issues, and potentially reduce the amount of time your child needs to wear braces or Invisalign clear aligners as a teenager. While teeth grinding or clenching can cause many problems and be a concern for parents, it is also a problem that can be corrected with a custom orthodontic treatment plan developed specifically for your child.

Is your child experiencing teeth grinding or clenching? If so, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery can help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. Dr Shapiro and our team can address any orthodontic issues your child may be facing and help them achieve a healthy, straight smile.

Common Questions For Orthodontists

1 Sep 2021 DENTAL

As a first-time orthodontic patient, you may have questions about the various treatment methods and procedures available to you, and how your treatment will impact your oral health. Some common areas of concern for first-time patients include the type of treatment being recommended, the length of treatment, the cost of treatment, and any necessary changes to diet or oral hygiene habits during treatment. It is important to discuss these and any other questions or concerns you may have with your orthodontist, so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment.

Here are the ten most common questions that our first-time orthodontic patients ask us:

1. What is orthodontic treatment, and what does it entail?

Orthodontic treatment can be necessary for patients with various dental issues, which can be caused by genetics, injuries, environmental factors, improper tooth or jaw positioning, or other factors. These issues, known as malocclusion, can include crooked or crowded teeth, excessively spaced teeth or gaps between them, and impacted teeth. Orthodontic treatment aims to straighten teeth and address these irregularities, and may involve the use of traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, Invisalign clear aligners, or retainers, depending on the patient’s specific needs. Your orthodontist will recommend the most suitable treatment option for you based on your specific dental needs and concerns.


2. Why should I get orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment can provide a range of benefits for your oral health and appearance. By straightening your teeth and improving your bite, orthodontic treatment can help you maintain better oral hygiene, reduce your risk of gum disease and cavities, and alleviate any associated headaches or jaw pain. In addition to these functional benefits, orthodontic treatment can also improve the symmetry of your smile and boost your confidence in showing it off. Overall, orthodontic treatment can have a positive impact on both your short-term and long-term oral health and well-being.


3. Which orthodontic treatment is the best?

Orthodontic treatment is customized to meet the individual needs and goals of each patient. The most appropriate treatment for you will depend on various factors, including the type and severity of your dental irregularities, your current oral health, and any previous restorative dental work you have had. Your orthodontist will consider all of these factors and discuss the various treatment options available to you, including braces, Invisalign clear aligners, and other orthodontic devices. They will also explain the benefits and drawbacks of each option, taking into account your personal preferences and budget constraints. Ultimately, the goal of orthodontic treatment is to help you achieve a healthy, straight smile that meets your individual needs and goals.


4. Which orthodontic treatment is the fastest?

Orthodontic treatment is a worthwhile investment in achieving your desired smile and improving your oral health. Braces or Invisalign clear aligners can help correct misalignment of the teeth and jaws, leading to a straighter smile and better overall oral health. To ensure that your treatment goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible, it is important to follow your orthodontist’s instructions and treatment plan. This may include specific guidelines for oral hygiene, diet, and appliance use, as well as regular appointments for progress check-ins and to address any questions or concerns. Good care of your teeth is also essential during treatment, including avoiding behaviors that could put extra pressure on or wear down your teeth, such as grinding or biting hard objects. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your orthodontic treatment is a success.

5. What’s the ideal age for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is most effective when started as early as possible. While traditional orthodontic treatment used to begin between the ages of 12 and 14, it is now recognized that early treatment can be critical in addressing orthodontic issues efficiently. For this reason, interceptive treatment may be recommended for children as young as 7 to 11 years old, depending on their specific orthodontic needs. However, it is important to note that orthodontic treatment is not limited to children, and adults can also benefit from it as long as their teeth are generally healthy. Keep in mind that orthodontic treatment for adults may take longer than it does for children, but it can still be an effective way to improve your smile and oral health.

6. How long does treatment last, and what will it cost?

There are several factors that can influence the duration of your orthodontic treatment, including the type and severity of your dental irregularities, the chosen treatment option, your age and overall health, and your adherence to your customized treatment plan. The cost of treatment can also vary based on these factors, as well as the specific treatment option selected, the length of treatment, and other considerations. Your orthodontist or dentist can help you understand your treatment options and available financing options, so you can make an informed decision about your care.

7. If I don’t want traditional braces, what are my options?

In addition to traditional braces, there are now several other treatment options available for straightening teeth, thanks to advances in orthodontic technology. These options include Invisalign clear aligners and ceramic braces. Depending on your specific orthodontic needs, you may be able to use removable and transparent Invisalign clear aligners to correct your dental irregularities. Your orthodontist will assess your needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment option for you.

8. How often will I have to see an orthodontist while I’m being treated?

The frequency of your visits to the orthodontist will depend on the treatment option chosen, any challenges or complications that arise during treatment, and other factors. Generally, patients with braces will need to visit their orthodontist every 4 to 8 weeks for the duration of treatment. These appointments may be shorter check-ups to ensure that elastics are in place and make any necessary adjustments, or longer initial and final appointments. On the other hand, patients who are using Invisalign clear aligners may be able to go longer between appointments, typically seeing the orthodontist once every 6 to 10 weeks. These appointments may be shorter because there are no elastics to adjust. Your orthodontist will provide you with a treatment plan that outlines the frequency and duration of your appointments.

9. Can I drink pop while wearing braces?

If you have metal or ceramic braces, it is best to avoid carbonated drinks, as they can stain the metal brackets of your teeth and the dyes in these drinks can also discolour your teeth and erode enamel. In addition, carbonated drinks tend to have a high sugar content, which can increase your risk of tooth decay. For these reasons, we recommend avoiding carbonated drinks altogether, not just during orthodontic treatment but also for overall oral health. Instead, choose water or other low-sugar, non-carbonated beverages to help protect your teeth and keep them healthy.

10. Will my oral hygiene routine need to change during treatment?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for everyone, but it is especially important during orthodontic treatment. Proper brushing and flossing can help prevent cavities and preserve your oral health while you are undergoing treatment. If you have braces, it is important to brush and floss carefully around the wires and brackets, and avoid foods that can damage your teeth or appliances, such as popcorn and gum. If you are using Invisalign clear aligners, it is important to brush and floss each time you remove them to eat or drink, and only consume water while they are in place. This is because food and bacteria can become trapped between the aligners and your teeth, potentially leading to tooth decay and plaque buildup. To help prevent these issues, it is important to brush after each meal and floss once per day. By following these oral hygiene guidelines, you can help ensure that your teeth and appliances stay healthy and clean during orthodontic treatment.

Are you curious about orthodontic treatment and want to learn more? If so, we encourage you to contact Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery to schedule a consultation. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you understand your options for achieving a healthy, straight smile.


What Is An Orthodontic Emergency?

17 Aug 2021 DENTAL

According to the Canadian Association of Orthodontics, more than 4 million people in Canada and the United States are under the care of orthodontists. Even then, orthodontic emergencies are quite rare, and many of the ones that do happen can be treated at home.

If you’ve just begun your smile journey and something has gone awry, worry not! Before you contact our incredible team at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, try some of these home solutions we’ve put together for these different types of orthodontic emergencies!


Ligatures Come Off

Ligatures are either tiny rubber bands or small wires that hold the wires on your braces to the bracket. It may seem serious when it happens, but it isn’t as serious as it seems. If the ligature is sticking out and poking your lip or gums, we recommend that you push it back in place with sterile tweezers. After it happens, reach out to our team so we can check your braces and make sure there are no other problems!


Tooth Discomfort

You may feel some pain or discomfort while you are wearing your braces, especially when you’ve just begun your smile journey. You may also experience discomfort for a day or two after you’ve had your braces or retainers adjusted. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. This is just your teeth adjusting to their proper positions and the discomfort will fade with time. Try rinsing with salt water or eating soft foods until the discomfort subsides.


Protruding Wire

Sometimes, the wire on your braces might slip out of place entirely and irritate your mouth. You can try to fit the wire back in so it’s flat against your tooth using a cotton swab or a pair of tweezers. If the wire is very bothersome and you’re unable to visit our office, try clipping the wire back with a pair of nail clippers. It’s best to reach out to Alliston Orthodontics and have our experts inspect the wire for you if you are experiencing extreme discomfort or pain.


Contact Our Team Today!

If you’re wondering how orthodontic treatment, such as braces or Invisalign could benefit your oral health, please fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation! Dr. Shapiro, and our incredible team would love to help you get started on your smile journey! If you have immediate questions or inquiries, call or text us at (705) 435-1315.


It’s Never Too Late To Achieve A Beautiful Smile!

12 Jul 2021 DENTAL

Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to achieve a beautiful smile! You deserve a chance to feel confident and proud of your smile at any age. You may be wondering how you can achieve that beautiful and charming smile of your dreams? At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we are committed to providing our patients with the best dental services to give you an attractive smile and boost your confidence!


Orthodontics Treatment

If you have misaligned teeth, consider using dental procedures such as braces or Invisalign to help realign your smile! After undergoing treatment with braces, colour braces, or Invisalign treatment, you will have a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime! Visit Alliston Orthodontics and have a qualified Alliston Orthodontist examine your teeth and give the most appropriate recommendation that will make you smile confidently.


How Bonding Can Improve your Smile

Your dentist may recommend some minor dental repairs to fix broken or chipped teeth to help enhance your smile. Bonding involves the use of composite resin, and only takes a few hours. Our team can shape the composite resin to match your teeth and give you a uniform smile!


Porcelain Veneers

You may also consider having a smile makeover using dental veneers! Whether you have crooked or cracked teeth, porcelain veneers can help to improve your smile. If you have a gap between your teeth, your dentist will recommend specific veneers to cover up that space  and improve the overall appearance of your smile!


Teeth Whitening

Having discoloured teeth can affect your smile and can discourage you from showing it off. Your dentist can help you go through a hygienic teeth whitening procedure that will bleach your teeth and boost your smile power! White teeth also improve your psychological well-being by making you feel attractive and confident.


Contact Us

If you’re wondering how braces or Invisalign could benefit you, please fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation! If you have immediate questions or inquiries, call or text us at (705) 435-1315. Our professional Alliston Orthodontist, Dr. David Shapiro will help you achieve that beautiful smile.


Common Bite Problems We Can Treat!

14 Jun 2021 DENTAL

From crooked teeth to a stubborn lisp, the placement of our jaw has a great impact on our oral health and smiles. A malocclusion, or “bad bite,” is when your jaw is misaligned. This is a common problem in patients all over the world! At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we know how important your smile is. Let’s take a look at the most common offenders of bad bites, and what we can do in our clinic to help solve the problem!


Common Bite Problems

A term most of us have heard before is an overbite. Although your upper teeth should sit ahead of your lower teeth, it becomes an issue when there is too much space in between. This excess of space can create a lisp when you speak and can make it appear as your front teeth are protruding. Another common bite we see is a crossbite! This is when only half of your front teeth sit ahead of your lower teeth, while the other half sits behind. This can cause a crooked smile and in worst cases accidental cheek biting. Other problems that can arise from malocclusions are speech impediments, and crowding of the teeth.


What Can We Do?

Our clinic offers a variety of treatments that will not only leave you with a beautiful smile, but also the perfect bite! Braces are one of the most effective ways to treat malocclusions and we offer many different types! Another great option we have is Invisalign! These clear, sleek aligners are great for patients with less severe bites, and treatment can be as quick as 12 months! All patients who see us will receive a customized treatment plan, made specifically for their smile!


Contact Us!

Our Orthodontist, Dr. Shapiro, and our incredible team would love to meet you! We use digital imaging and our proud owners of the Itero Element, meaning we always make a great first impression! Give us a call at 705-435-1315 to book your consultation today. We look forward to meeting you, and giving you the smile you’ve always wanted!


Why Retainers Are So Important

7 May 2021 DENTAL

You’ve probably read a lot about orthodontic treatments, including appliances such as braces and Invisalign. However, have you ever heard about the orthodontic retention phase? This is normally a post treatment measure to ensure your smile maintains its beautiful shape! Some are only meant to be worn a few months after a treatment, while others are recommended to be worn years, normally when the patient sleeps.

Retainers are not only sleek and comfortable, but play an important role in maintaining your jaw and bite. At Alliston Orthodontic & Oral Surgery, we want your smile to be one that shines bright for the years to come!


What Do Retainers Do?

After orthodontic treatment is completed, and your appliance is removed, retainers are typically worn at night when you sleep. As braces slowly shift your teeth over time, these changes can be reversed if not worn consistently. Retainers need to be worn properly, covering all your teeth and should fit firmly, but not hurt. Most of the time, you’ll need to wear your retainer for at least 12 months to reduce your risk of teeth shifting post treatment.


How Do I Take Care Of Them?

Retainers are very easy to take care of. It is best to rinse the retainer whenever you put it back in your mouth, and it should be cleaned daily. To do so, simply place your retainer under lukewarm water, and brush gently with your toothbrush. For a deep clean, use a mild dish soap and rinse thoroughly. Remember to clean the carrying case every so often to avoid as many germs as possible!

It is important to never eat anything with your retainers as food can damage, or change the shape of the tray. Unless you’re drinking water, it is always best to play it safe and take it out when eating and drinking. When you notice your retainer changing colour, or becoming too pliable, call us and we can assess your mouth and arrange new ones!


Come Visit Us In Alliston!

Dr. Shapiro and our awesome team would love to meet you!  We have enhanced our clinic with up-to-date COVID-19 protocols for your health and safety. We offer a variety of treatments and services such as braces, Invisalign and mouthguards! Call us at 705-435-1315 or email us at smile@aoos.ca. We can’t wait to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!


What You Need To Know About Invisalign

1 May 2021 DENTAL

It’s sleek, easy, and almost completely unnoticeable. Invisalign has helped more than nine million people worldwide and it’s popularity only continues to grow. These clear aligners will slowly shift your teeth with ease. When you come to Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we will be able to tell if Invisalign is right for you and present your customized treatment plan!


Is It Right For Me?

Whether you’re getting ready for picture day or a first date, you’ll feel good knowing your treatment is discreet! This is why Invisalign has become increasingly popular amongst adults. From crowded teeth, to an underbite, Invisalign can help many different types of smiles! Helping more than 1.4 million teenagers, it’s no question why young people love Invisalign. Feeling confident is important, let your teen see the progress of their smile treatment and feel good about the changes while it’s happening!


How Does It Work?

Long gone are the days of uncomfortable teeth molds! When you are assessed for Invisalign, your teeth will be scanned using accurate 3D imaging technology. You need to wear your aligners for at least 20-22 hours each day. The only time you should take your trays out is for eating, brushing and flossing your teeth! Every few weeks you’ll be required to change your aligners in order to keep your smile progressing! Treatment normally lasts between 10-20 months, meaning you’ll be showing your new smile in no time!

Caring for Invisalign is almost as easy as the treatment. Gently brush the clear aligners with your toothbrush on all sides under lukewarm water and rinse them every night. To clean your case, use a mild soap and rinse thoroughly!


Visit Us In Alliston, Ontario!

Come see Dr. Shapiro and our staff for your free Invisalign consultation. Every smile is different and has its own needs! When you come to Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, you’ll receive warm and compassionate care! We also offer orthodontics check-ups for kids, as well as braces! Call our office at 705-435-1315 to book your consultation.


Four Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist

15 Mar 2021 DENTAL

When visiting an orthodontist for the first time, you’re sure to have a few questions. Knowing the right questions to ask is beneficial to both you and your orthodontist. This is because questions open a window for the orthodontist to explain matters that need clarification for your specific case and lifestyle. At the end of the day, we want to help give you a full understanding of your treatment, and what is expected of you!

If you live in Alliston and plan on visiting an orthodontist soon, our team at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery is happy to welcome you into our office! Our team, along with Dr. David Shapiro, have put together our top four questions that you should ask during your orthodontic consultation.


What Are My Treatment Options?

Before you embark on your smile journey, you might want to see what your potential results will look like. During your consultation, ask to see examples of successful, similar cases. At Alliston Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, you will get to see some before and after photos of our previous patients.

It’s important to remember that each patient is different, and what worked for someone else might not work for you. The photos should only act to help you envision yourself after treatment. Seeing previous patient photos will surely make you excited about the treatment!


How Long Will Treatment Take? 

Knowing the timeline of your treatment will help mentally prepare you for what’s to come. Most orthodontic treatment plans take around two years, but this depends on your specific needs. Our team will give you a rough estimate of your treatment timeline during your orthodontic consultation.


What Are The Lifestyle Changes? 

Some orthodontic appliances will require slight lifestyle changes. This includes what you eat, and your oral hygiene routine. The doctors at Alliston Orthodontics and Oral Surgery will guide you on what foods to avoid and how to properly clean your appliance.


Visit An Orthodontist In Alliston! 

 If you’re wondering how braces or Invisalign could benefit your oral health, please fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation! If you have immediate questions or inquiries, call or text us at (705) 435-1315. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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