
Worried About Paying For Orthodontic Treatment? Here’s What To Do

1 Oct 2022 DENTAL


Are you worried about how you’ll pay for orthodontic treatment? You’re not alone. Orthodontic treatment can be expensive, and many people are concerned about the cost. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some options for paying for orthodontic treatment, so you can get the smile you want without worrying about the cost.

First, it’s important to understand that orthodontic treatment is an investment in your oral health and overall well-being. Straight teeth and a balanced bite can improve your oral health, enhance your appearance, and boost your confidence and self-esteem. In the long run, orthodontic treatment can save you money by preventing more serious problems from developing in the future.

With that being said, there are several options for paying for orthodontic treatment:

Insurance: Many dental insurance plans cover at least part of the cost of orthodontic treatment. Check with your insurance provider to see what your plan covers and how to submit a claim. At Alliston Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, we work with many common insurance companies including Manulife, SunLife, Blue Cross and more.

Payment plans: Many orthodontic offices offer flexible payment plans to help make treatment more affordable. These plans allow you to make monthly payments instead of paying the full cost upfront.

Financing: If you don’t have dental insurance or you need help covering the cost of treatment, you may be able to get financing through a third-party lender. These lenders offer loans specifically for medical and dental expenses, and they often have flexible repayment options.

Discounts: Some orthodontic offices offer discounts for patients who pay in full upfront or who refer new patients to the practice. Ask your orthodontist if they offer any discounts that could help reduce the cost of treatment.

By considering these options and working with your orthodontist, you can find a payment plan that works for you and get the orthodontic treatment you need without worrying about the cost.

In conclusion, orthodontic treatment can be expensive, but there are options for paying for it. Insurance, payment plans, financing, and discounts can all help make treatment more affordable. Talk to us at Alliston Orthodontics and Oral Surgery and explore your options to find a solution that works for you.



How Orthodontic Treatment Helps Overall Health

1 Sep 2022 DENTAL


Orthodontic treatment goes beyond cosmetic looks. It can help improve a person’s overall health in many ways. Our team at Alliston Orthodontics is happy to share the many benefits orthodontic treatment can have on your oral and overall health!

Properly aligned teeth can help with chewing and digestion. They can also establish an overall balance for dentofacial health. For children and teens, orthodontic treatment can focus on ensuring proper jaw growth during their developmental years. This can help avoid complicated oral surgery down the road.

Crooked teeth can cause stress, pressure and pain on the jaw, leading to issues including TMJD. Symptoms of TMJD include headaches, pain or tenderness in your jaw, difficulty chewing, aching facial pain, locking of the joint – making it difficult to open or close your mouth and aching pain in and around your ear. Orthodontic treatment can help alleviate these problems and improve daily function and overall health.

Additionally, orthodontic treatment can address airway health and breathing. It can help open up passageways for better airflow.

An aligned smile is easier to clean. Oral health is known as the window to overall health. Keeping up good oral hygiene can be linked to good overall health as well.

At Alliston Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, we are passionate about helping our patients achieve beautiful and healthy smiles and improve their overall oral health too. We offer a variety of orthodontic treatments that can address a wide range of needs, from simple misalignments to complex dental issues. Our team is dedicated to providing each patient with individualized care and attention.

If you are considering orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals. We are proud to serve patients in Alliston and the surrounding communities. We look forward to transforming your smile and improving your health!



Is Your Child Snoring or Experiencing Speech Problems? He or She May Have Orthodontic issues.

1 Aug 2022 DENTAL



Snoring & Speech Problems in Children

If your child is experiencing snoring or speech difficulties, it may be due to one or more underlying orthodontic problems. Childhood sleep apnea can have serious effects on a child’s health and can lead to behavioural and academic difficulties. Speech issues can range from slurred or whistling speech to difficulty with certain sounds. In this post, we will delve deeper into these issues and suggest when it may be appropriate for your child to see an orthodontist for evaluation and treatment.


Snoring Problems in Children

While snoring is not very common in young children (affecting about 1 in 10 kids), it can be a sign of a serious issue. While snoring can sometimes be a temporary symptom of a cold or allergies, chronic snoring is often a sign of a sleep disorder or airway problem. A small percentage of children who snore may be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition in which the airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep. OSA can become serious or even life-threatening if left untreated, so it is important to detect, diagnose, and treat the condition. Symptoms of childhood sleep apnea may include low energy, difficulty concentrating, behavioural issues, gasping or choking for air while asleep, and bedwetting. Even if a child does not have OSA, sleep-disordered breathing (which includes loud or frequent snoring and OSA) can cause a variety of symptoms. In people with sleep-disordered breathing, the muscles supporting the tongue and airways relax, causing the tongue to fall into the throat and restricting the flow of oxygen. This can also lead to interruptions in breathing during sleep. Dental conditions and orthodontic problems such as abnormal or insufficient jaw or tongue development, crooked teeth, or improper tongue placement in the jaw may contribute to sleep-disordered breathing and sleep apnea.


Speech Problems in Children

As a parent, you may not often consider the impact of jaw development on your child’s speech and overall health. However, the way your child’s teeth come in and their jaw grows can either facilitate or hinder their ability to speak and express themselves. Speech problems in children, such as whistling, slurring, mispronouncing certain consonant sounds, or lisping, may be caused by issues with the spacing and positioning of their teeth. Fortunately, these issues can often be corrected with orthodontic treatment.

When should my child see an orthodontist?

It is recommended that children visit an orthodontist for an initial assessment by age 7. While orthodontic treatment alone may not completely eliminate speech problems in children, early intervention can have a significant impact on the trajectory and outcomes of treatment. This is especially true when treatment is started while a child’s jaws and teeth are still developing.

How can orthodontic treatment help?

Every patient we treat at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery is unique, and we strive to provide personalized treatment. With early intervention, we take steps to promote healthy development, improve the alignment and placement of teeth, and help young patients develop proper speaking skills. We use a two-phase approach to orthodontic treatment, which may involve palatal expansion, braces, or Invisalign during the early intervention phase to correct tooth alignment or jaw position. If your child has snoring or speech issues, we recommend scheduling an initial orthodontic assessment. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have and guide you through the treatment process.

If you are concerned about your child’s snoring or speech problems, we encourage you to contact Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery to schedule an appointment for an initial assessment. We are here to help address your concerns and provide the necessary treatment to help your child’s development.



The Importance Of Early Orthodontic Intervention In Infants

1 Jul 2022 DENTAL

Did you know that the habits that promote good orthodontic health begin in infancy? At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we recommend that children have their first orthodontic assessment by age 7. However, the way a child brushes their teeth, their thumb sucking habits, and their jaw development can all impact the amount of orthodontic intervention that may be needed as they grow. Our team can help explain how these factors can affect your child’s orthodontic health.


What is early orthodontic intervention?

At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we believe that the habits that lead to good orthodontic health start in infancy. For example, proper tooth brushing and avoiding prolonged thumbsucking can help prevent tooth misalignment and promote proper jaw development. These early habits can greatly influence how much orthodontic intervention will be needed as a child grows.

By starting orthodontic treatment early, we can address problems before they become more severe and potentially save your child from needing tooth extractions, lengthy treatment, and even oral surgery in the future. Our team is dedicated to guiding the development of your child’s jaw and palate to achieve the best possible results. Working closely with dentists, family doctors, and gemiddelde erectie per dag routine met russisch other health professionals, we can ensure your child’s orthodontic health is on the right track from the start.


How do early habits influence orthodontic health?

Establishing a strong foundation for orthodontic health begins in infancy, and it is crucial to start practicing good oral hygiene habits and seeking preventive care from dental health professionals early on. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we recommend that parents follow these three steps to support their child’s orthodontic health as they grow:


Practice diligence with early tooth brushing and dental visits.

The first teeth that come in, also known as deciduous teeth or baby teeth, play an essential role in a child’s facial development and help with speaking, biting, and chewing. They also help hold space for permanent teeth that will eventually come in. It’s important to remember to clean a baby’s gums with a soft, damp cloth after meals to prevent decay, even in baby teeth. Once a child is around one year old or when their first tooth emerges, it’s time for them to start visiting the dentist regularly. To support good oral health, it’s also important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid acidic or sugary liquids, such as fruit juices and soda, especially before bedtime.

Wean toddlers from thumbsucking and pacifier use.

As infants, sucking their thumb or using a pacifier is a common way for children to self-soothe as they explore their new surroundings. However, it is important to help children break the habit by the time they turn 3 years old, as prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier use can affect jaw formation, leading to the development of an overbite or crossbite. It can also impact the palate, which can negatively impact swallowing, chewing, and speaking. In addition, habitual thumb sucking can cause the front teeth to shift, especially the top front teeth, which may stick out and the bottom teeth to tip inward towards the tongue, resulting in an open bite and space between the teeth.

Allow babies to practice eating solid foods as early as 6 months.

The way a child chews and the types of food they eat can significantly impact the development of their jaw and facial structure. To encourage proper jaw growth and strengthen jaw muscles, it is important for babies to progress from soft foods to more challenging foods that require chewing. The age at which a baby can start experimenting with solid foods may vary based on their individual health and circumstances, but generally, it is recommended to introduce solid foods around six months old.

During infancy and early childhood, it is important for parents to visit dental and medical professionals regularly to ensure proper development and prevent future orthodontic issues. By discussing the importance of good oral hygiene and healthy eating habits with parents, you can help them “future proof” their child’s dental health and avoid potential orthodontic problems as they grow. It is also important to address habits such as thumb sucking, as it can impact jaw formation and cause an overbite or crossbite, as well as interfere with the palate and affect swallowing, chewing, and speaking.

Do you see patients younger than age 7?

At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we believe that good orthodontic health starts in infancy. For some young patients, it may be beneficial to have an orthodontist as part of their dental healthcare team. We are able to see patients as young as age 7 to address habits such as mouth breathing or thumbsucking that may lead to orthodontic issues in the future. If you are concerned about your child’s habits or development, we encourage you to come in for a consultation and assessment. By addressing these issues early, we can help prevent problems from becoming worse and guide development in a positive direction.


The Role of Orthodontic Treatment in Overall Health

1 Jun 2022 DENTAL

Are you interested in understanding the connection between orthodontic treatment and overall health? In this article, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery will explain the concept of orthodontic treatment, its relationship to overall health, and the ways in which we can help address orthodontic issues.


Our Teeth & Overall Health

When most people think of orthodontic treatment, they may think of methods such as braces, retainers, and Invisalign. However, these treatment options are meant to address a range of orthodontic issues that can have an impact on overall health.

If teeth are misaligned, crooked, or crowded, this can cause uneven wear on the teeth, making them more difficult to clean and increasing the risk for tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. Crooked teeth may also put stress on the jaws and lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), which can cause facial pain, headaches, and problems with bite.

Gum disease, which can be more difficult to prevent and treat in cases of misaligned or crowded teeth, can spread bacteria to other organs through the bloodstream and potentially lead to conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications.

Other common treatable orthodontic conditions include open bite, overjet, and crossbite. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we focus on early assessment and proactive, preventive treatment to identify orthodontic issues and address them with personalized treatment plans. By correcting orthodontic problems, we can help improve overall oral health and well-being.


What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment can help straighten teeth, improve their appearance and function, and support overall health and well-being. Treatment options may include palatal expansion (for children), braces, Invisalign, or dental appliances, depending on factors such as the patient’s oral health condition, age, and lifestyle.

At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we believe that everyone deserves a healthy smile and that orthodontic treatment can contribute to overall well-being by addressing growth patterns, dento-facial balance, and airway issues.

We use a non-invasive, two-phase approach to treating orthodontic issues in children and teens, which allows us to identify problems early, potentially guide jaw growth, and fine-tune teens’ smiles with traditional orthodontic treatment in later years.

For children, this may involve an early orthodontic assessment followed by preventative treatment to minimize the need for surgery or extractions in the future. Our goal is to help ensure that our patients achieve and maintain healthy, functional, and attractive smiles.


How can orthodontic treatment improve my oral and overall health?

Orthodontic treatment can straighten teeth, improve aesthetics, and contribute to better overall oral health by aligning teeth properly. Straighter teeth are less likely to suffer from uneven wear and tear and are easier to clean, which can help prevent tooth decay, cavities, periodontal disease, and other issues that affect oral and overall health.

At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we offer comprehensive services to meet the needs and goals of our patients. Our orthodontists may focus on aligning teeth, establishing balance for dentofacial health, supporting proper jaw growth in children and teens, addressing airway health and breathing, and promoting healthy jaw joint and facial muscle function. We create customized treatment plans to address common orthodontic conditions in children, teens, and adults.

If you have questions about your orthodontic health and treatment, our team at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery is here to help. We look forward to working with you to straighten your teeth, build a solid foundation for your oral health, and support overall health and well-being.

The Importance Of Paying Attention To The Small Details In Children’s Orthodontic Treatment

1 May 2022 DENTAL

Even if you have a basic understanding of children’s dental health and the need for orthodontic treatment; you may wonder what to expect when it comes to the treatment process itself. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we can help ensure that your child has a positive experience. In this post, we will discuss these topics in more detail and provide some useful information about children’s orthodontic treatment.


Dental Orthodontics Treatment for Kids: Getting Started

If your child is beginning orthodontic treatment, you may have a lot of new information to absorb. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we understand that every patient is unique and has their own specific needs and concerns. Your and your child’s comfort are our top priorities, and we are here to guide you through the orthodontic care process and answer any questions you may have.

We recognize that some families may want to take things slowly at first, while others may be ready to get started right away. Whatever your needs and preferences, we are happy to discuss them and find a way to accommodate them.

Before your child’s first appointment, we will meet with you one or two times to address any preliminary questions and begin building a strong partnership. This helps you feel more comfortable trusting us with your child’s orthodontic care.

During your child’s first appointment, we will get to know them and their specific needs. If you or your child are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, we will take a break or use some of our tried-and-true strategies to help calm them down.

At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we take a holistic approach to children’s orthodontic care. This means we consider a range of factors, including your child’s lifestyle, unique needs, personality, and more, when designing a customized treatment plan. Our team will be with you every step of the way to address any concerns you may have throughout the duration of your child’s treatment.


Orthodontic Treatment: What It Is & How We Can Help

The orthodontic teams at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery believe that everyone deserves a healthy smile. At our practice, we assess growth patterns, airway issues, and dento-facial balance to determine whether your child can benefit from treatment. Orthodontic treatment can help straighten teeth and improve their appearance and function, as well as promote overall health and well-being.

Depending on your child’s orthodontic issue, age, lifestyle, health condition, and other factors, they may be prescribed a custom-made orthodontic appliance such as a palatal expander, braces, or Invisalign clear aligners. Our practice uses a non-invasive, two-phase approach to treating orthodontic issues in children and teens, which allows us to diagnose and treat issues early and potentially guide jaw growth. For teens, we can then use a more traditional orthodontic approach once the jaw has fully developed and adult teeth are in place.

After your child’s early orthodontic assessment, they may be recommended for preventative treatment to correct their issue and minimize the need for surgery or extractions in the future. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we are committed to helping your child achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.


Small Elements Can Help Foster a Smoother Orthodontic Experience

At our practice, we strive to ensure that your child’s orthodontic treatment is successful and that the experience is a positive one. In addition to correctly diagnosing your child’s orthodontic issue and recommending the appropriate treatment options, we understand that small things like offering flexible hours and appointment reminders can make a big difference in helping you and your child manage the process.

To support you throughout your child’s treatment, we will assign you a Treatment Coordinator who will handle scheduling future appointments and discussing payment plans and other financial arrangements. This can help you figure out how to fit your child’s orthodontic treatment into your budget. We are committed to helping your child achieve a healthy, beautiful smile and to making the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.


How to Not Be Scared of the Orthodontist or Dentist

It is common for children to feel anxious or nervous about visiting the dentist or orthodontist. They may wonder why they are scared and what to expect during the appointment. They may also be unsure about meeting a team of new people, including an orthodontist who will be examining their smile and using equipment that they may not be familiar with. They may also be worried about whether orthodontic treatment will be painful.

At our practice, we understand that children may feel anxious or nervous about their visit, and we are here to address any concerns you or your child may have. Our team has a variety of tools and techniques to help demystify the orthodontic experience and make it less intimidating. We will explain each step of the assessment and show your child the equipment we will be using, as well as take breaks if they are feeling overwhelmed during their visit. Our goal is to make the orthodontic experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible for your child.

If you have questions about beginning orthodontic treatment for your child, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery is here to help. Contact us for a consultation. We will be happy to provide you with more information about how we can support you and your child during the treatment process. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us any time!

How Orthodontic Braces Work: A Guide to the Mechanics of Bracket-Based Orthodontic Treatment

1 Apr 2022 DENTAL

At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we may recommend the use of braces to help correct various orthodontic issues. But how do these orthodontic brackets and braces actually work? In this post, we will explain the mechanics of this bracket-based orthodontic treatment.


How do braces move teeth?

Braces can help correct orthodontic issues for people who have crowded or misaligned teeth, or conditions such as an overbite. This is important for both short-term and long-term oral health because straight teeth are easier to brush, clean, and floss, and they contribute to a better bite and improved ability to speak and chew. If your orthodontist has recommended braces, you may be wondering how they work to improve your smile. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, our orthodontists explain the process: braces exert continuous pressure on a patient’s jaws and teeth to shift them into the precise positions specified in the patient’s custom treatment plan. Brackets are glued to teeth to hold the archwire in place, applying the correct amount of pressure to gradually move the teeth into the prescribed positions. Periodontal ligaments, the soft tissue that surrounds the teeth and bone, hold the teeth in place and can compress or stretch as the teeth move. When braces shift a tooth to the right, the ligament on the right compresses, and new bone grows on the left to fill the gap.


Moving Teeth Forward

While many people associate braces with pushing teeth towards the palate, these orthodontic devices can also pull teeth out towards the lips when necessary. This is done using a nickel-titanium archwire that is bent to meet the bracket on the tooth and apply pulling force. Over time, the wire returns to its original “U” shape, causing the tooth to move forward. This process is an important aspect of how braces work to correct orthodontic issues.


Correcting Overcrowding

If your jaw is too small or your teeth are too large, overcrowding can cause significant orthodontic problems. Braces can help by moving individual teeth forward, across, and back to create enough room for all of your teeth to fit side by side in your mouth. At Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery, we may recommend a palatal expander to increase the size of the jaw for younger patients experiencing overcrowding. We can assess patients and potentially take a two-phase approach to treatment, with a plan for early orthodontic intervention and possibly using braces or other orthodontic treatment options later on.


Correcting an Overbite

When the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth vertically, it is called an overbite. On the other hand, an overjet is characterized by protruding upper teeth relative to the lower teeth. Both of these conditions may require the movement of the top and/or bottom teeth.

To correct an overbite or overjet, our orthodontists may recommend using braces to apply constant pressure to the teeth, which will help them gradually move into their corrected positions. As the teeth move, the bone surrounding them will also change shape to accommodate the new position of the teeth.

What problems can be fixed with braces?

Braces are a common orthodontic treatment that can help straighten teeth and align them properly. They can also be used to correct bite problems, such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite, as well as gaps between the teeth. Once the teeth have been moved into their desired positions, our orthodontists may perform some final adjustments, known as “fine tuning,” to ensure that the teeth are sitting in their correct positions before the braces are removed. This helps create a beautiful, straight smile.

What are the main parts of braces?

To ensure that braces are effective, a number of different components must be used in combination. The complexity of the orthodontic case may determine how many parts are needed. For example, patients with more complex cases may require a larger number of components to correct their teeth and bite.


The archwire is a crucial component of braces that helps move the teeth into their proper positions. It can be made from either tooth-coloured materials or stainless steel, and is responsible for applying pressure to the teeth to guide their movement. At the beginning of orthodontic treatment, the archwire may be flexible, but as treatment progresses, a more rigid wire may be needed to exert more pressure on the teeth. This helps to ensure that the teeth are properly aligned and the bite is corrected.

Orthodontic Brackets

Brackets are small, square-shaped pieces that are attached to the front of each tooth and hold the archwire in place. They are typically made of stainless steel, plastic, or tooth-coloured ceramic, and are sometimes referred to as “ortho brackets.” In some cases, elastics may be attached to the brackets on the upper and lower arches to help move the teeth into their proper positions. Lingual braces are a type of orthodontic treatment in which the brackets are bonded to the back of the teeth, rather than the front. This makes them less visible when the patient speaks or smiles.

Elastic Bands

Elastic bands, also known as “rubber bands,” are used in orthodontic treatment to help move teeth into their desired positions. They are attached to the brackets of the braces and can be used to apply pressure to an individual tooth or group of teeth in a specific direction, as prescribed by the orthodontist. These bands work by stretching from one jaw to the other, exerting force on the teeth to guide their movement. Elastic bands are an important part of the braces system and can help to correct a variety of orthodontic issues.

Metal Bands

A metal ring, also known as a “ligature,” is used in orthodontic treatment to hold the archwire in place and serve as an anchor for the braces. These rings are typically applied over the back teeth and help to keep the archwire stable as the teeth are moved into their correct positions. The ligatures are an important part of the braces system and help to ensure that the teeth are properly aligned and the bite is corrected.


“A-chains” are strings of elastic that are connected to the brackets of the braces to apply additional force to the teeth. By adding more force to the archwire, a-chains can help to move the teeth more quickly and efficiently into their correct positions. This can help to shorten the overall duration of orthodontic treatment. A-chains are a useful tool in the orthodontist’s arsenal and can be used to correct a variety of orthodontic issues.


A retainer is a device that is used after orthodontic treatment to help hold the teeth in place and ensure that they stay in their new, corrected positions. When the braces are removed, the teeth and surrounding gums, bones, and ligaments may still be adjusting to their new positions. The retainer helps to stabilize the teeth and prevent them from moving back to their original positions. Retainers are an important part of the orthodontic process and help to ensure that the results of treatment are long-lasting.

If you are interested to learn more about how orthodontic brackets and braces work, don’t hesitate to reach out to Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery for a consultation. Our team of professionals will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with more information about this important aspect of orthodontic treatment. Contact us today to learn more.

Invisalign Attachments: How They Work, What to Expect and What’s Required

1 Mar 2022 DENTAL

If you’re considering Invisalign treatment, you may be wondering about the attachments and elastics. In this post, Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery will explain how Invisalign works and provide tips on how to maximize your treatment results.


How Invisalign Works

Many people choose Invisalign clear aligners for their orthodontic treatment to correct a variety of issues such as misaligned bite, open bite, teeth grinding, and more. Your orthodontist will take digital scans of your teeth to create a customized sequence of aligners that fit your mouth. These aligners apply pressure to your teeth to move them into proper positions, and you will typically wear each aligner for a week or two before replacing it with the next one in the sequence. Some patients may require attachments or elastics/rubber bands with their aligners, such as Invisalign. Non-removable attachments are small, button-like structures that are attached to your teeth and blend in with your smile. Elastics are placed far enough back that they are usually not visible when you smile. In this post, we will discuss the purpose of Invisalign attachments, who might need them, and more.


What are Invisalign attachments and what do they do?

Invisalign attachments are similar to brackets for braces and are used to help the aligners fit securely against your teeth. In most cases, attachments are necessary to achieve your Invisalign treatment goals. These small, tooth-coloured structures made of composite resin (the same material as dental fillings) are specifically shaped to promote certain types of tooth movement. The aligner applies pressure to the attachment to help guide the teeth into their corrected positions. In some cases, such as when more complex tooth movement is required, attachments may be needed to help the aligner work effectively. Attachments may also serve as anchors to help the aligner stay in place over your teeth.


What are Invisalign elastics?

Some patients may also require the use of Invisalign elastics, which are small, clear rubber bands that connect the upper and lower arches of the teeth. These elastics can be connected to hooks on the aligners themselves or to Invisalign attachments. The elastics help correct issues with bite alignment by providing the necessary force to shift the jaw into place and assist in certain tooth movements while the aligners straighten the teeth in the upper and lower arch.


Will I need Invisalign attachments or elastics?

The need for Invisalign attachments depends on your individual orthodontic issue and treatment plan. Your orthodontist will evaluate your mouth, take digital scans or impressions of your teeth, and take X-rays to determine whether you need attachments. Invisalign attachments and/or elastics may be necessary to correct issues such as overjet, overbite, underbite, open bite, crowding, or spacing problems with the teeth.

How do attachments work?

To apply Invisalign attachments, an orthodontist generally follows these steps:

  • Your teeth are treated with a special gel to help the attachment adhere.
  • The gel is removed and your teeth are rinsed.
  • A small brush is used to apply a bonding agent to help secure the attachments to your teeth.
  • Composite resin is loaded into a template aligner (an appliance with spaces reserved for attachments).
  • The template aligner, filled with composite resin, is placed over your teeth, and the orthodontist applies gentle pressure to help the attachments adhere properly.
  • A special light is used to cure and harden the attachment material.
  • The template aligner and any extra bonding agent or composite resin is removed.

This process may be used to apply multiple attachments to your top or bottom teeth at the same time. Once all of the attachments are placed, the orthodontist will show you how to put in and remove your aligner.

Do Invisalign attachments hurt?

When you first get attachments or switch to a new aligner, you may experience some pain or discomfort as the aligner applies pressure to your attachments to realign your teeth. You may also feel discomfort when removing your aligner due to new attachments. However, this discomfort will usually go away as your teeth adjust to the aligners. To help alleviate pain or discomfort, you can take over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen.

Invisalign Tips: Caring for Attachments & Rubber Bands

To properly care for Invisalign attachments and rubber bands, follow these tips:

Put Rubber Bands on Invisalign Aligners

To get used to using rubber bands with your aligners, follow these steps:

  • Place your aligners in your mouth before attaching the rubber band to the hook or attachment on the top or bottom teeth.
  • Stretch the rubber band with two fingers, then grip it.
  • Hook the attachment or hook above or below it as instructed.
    With practice, attaching the rubber bands to your aligners will become second nature.

Wearing Invisalign Elastics

Your orthodontist at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery will inform you of how long to wear your Invisalign rubber bands and how often to change them. You will generally need to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day and replace the rubber bands once or twice a day, depending on your specific needs. If the bands come off or break, simply replace them with new ones from your supply.

Keeping Invisalign Attachments White

To help keep your attachments looking clean and free of stains, remember to consume potentially staining or abrasive foods and beverages in moderation. For example, coffee can stain attachments. Additionally, be sure to brush around your attachments after eating, and use a proxy brush if necessary to clean tight spaces. It may also be helpful to avoid sticky foods that can easily accumulate around attachments.

Removing Invisalign Attachments

Although some people may be curious about removing Invisalign attachments on their own, it is not recommended as you may accidentally damage your enamel while trying to pry them off your teeth. An orthodontist has the proper tools to gently remove attachments without harming your teeth, and will polish the teeth afterward to remove any remaining residue. It is best to leave the removal of attachments to a professional.

If you are interested in using Invisalign clear aligners for orthodontic treatment, contact Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery for a consultation to learn more. Our team can provide you with more information and help you determine if Invisalign is the right treatment option for you.

Braces vs. Invisalign: What Orthodontists Consider When Choosing Between The Two

1 Feb 2022 DENTAL

What factors does our orthodontist at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery recommend for patients to consider when deciding between Invisalign or braces? Here are some insights on how we assist with this important decision.


Invisalign vs. Braces

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, you may be faced with the decision of choosing between braces or Invisalign clear aligners. It’s important to consider your individual needs and circumstances when making this choice. At our practice, our orthodontists consider several factors when recommending treatment options to our patients. We’re here to help answer any questions you may have and guide you toward the treatment that is most suitable for you.

Braces have traditionally been made of metal and attached to the front of the teeth. However, with advances in technology and treatment methods, there are now various options available, including translucent (ceramic) braces and coloured braces. These devices use rubber bands and metal wires to move the teeth into their proper positions and address orthodontic issues.

Invisalign features clear, custom-made plastic aligners that gradually shift the teeth into their correct positions. An orthodontist will take a 3D scan of the mouth to ensure proper measurements and create aligners that fit your teeth precisely.


Can you choose between Braces & Invisalign?

The choice between braces and Invisalign will depend on the specific orthodontic issues identified by your orthodontist during your initial assessment. Invisalign may not always be the best option for patients with more severe orthodontic problems, so it is important to get personalized advice from your orthodontist based on your specific circumstances. In this post, we will explore some of the reasons why people may choose either Invisalign or braces, as well as the potential drawbacks of each, to help you make an informed decision.


Is Invisalign better than braces?

As you consider your options, you may be wondering which is the better choice for you. It’s important to keep in mind that what works for one person may not be the best fit for another, as the decision can depend on your circumstances and needs. To determine the right treatment for you, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of Invisalign versus braces, how they align or differ with your orthodontic needs, and concerns about treatment duration, appearance, and more. Your orthodontist can help you weigh these factors and make an informed decision.


Advantages of Invisalign

You can take your clear aligners out to eat, drink and play sports.

If you’re considering Invisalign, you may be wondering how often you’ll need to wear the aligners. It’s important to wear clear aligners for 22 hours per day to achieve the best results. However, you can still enjoy meals and certain activities by removing the aligners for 2 hours each day. This means you can continue to eat your favourite foods, drink beverages other than water (you should remove the aligners to drink anything other than water), and participate in sports or play musical instruments without worrying about damaging the aligners. This flexibility is not possible with braces, which are fixed in place and may require adjustments to your diet.

Clear aligners are transparent.

One of the benefits of Invisalign is that they are nearly invisible, which makes them a popular choice for patients who are self-conscious about their appearance. With Invisalign, you can go about your daily life without worrying about metal brackets and wires standing out on your teeth. This can be especially appealing for teenagers and adults who are concerned about how braces will affect their appearance in social and work situations.

You’ll be able to continue brushing and flossing normally.

One advantage of Invisalign clear aligners is that they do not require the same level of maintenance as braces. You won’t need to worry about navigating around metal wires and brackets while brushing and flossing. Instead, you can simply soak your aligners in a cleaning solution (never brush them, as this can cause scratches or damage) and continue your normal brushing and flossing routine, making sure to remove all food particles and debris that can lead to plaque. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene no matter which orthodontic treatment you choose, as it will be key to your success throughout the process.

You might spend less time in your orthodontist’s chair overall.

Many patients are concerned about the comfort of different orthodontic treatment options, and may be wondering which is more painful: braces or Invisalign? It’s important to note that you may experience some pain or discomfort with either option. However, because Invisalign does not use metal brackets and wires, you may have a lower risk of experiencing scratched or sensitive cheeks due to wire irritation. This can be a factor to consider when deciding which treatment is best for you.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

There are a few potential disadvantages to Invisalign that patients may want to consider depending on their lifestyle, self-discipline, and budget. Some specific factors to keep in mind include:

You’ll need to consider Invisalign’s effectiveness vs. braces to treat your problem.

In some cases, we may not recommend Invisalign for patients, particularly if they have more complex orthodontic issues. If you are trying to decide between Invisalign and another treatment method, it’s important to ask your orthodontist if you can expect similar results from either option. This will help you make an informed decision about which type of orthodontic treatment is best for you.

You’ll need to be disciplined.

Compliance with your treatment plan is crucial for success with any orthodontic treatment. One important aspect to keep in mind with Invisalign is that it is essential to wear clear aligners for 22 hours per day. This means that you need to track the time that the aligners are out of your mouth for any reason, such as brushing, flossing, eating, or participating in sports. If you do not consistently wear the aligners as prescribed, you may not achieve the intended results within the specified period of your treatment plan, and your plan may need to be revised. Remember to put the aligners back in after each activity

It can be inconvenient to remove and place your clear aligners back in your mouth.

If you eat or drink frequently in public or travel often, you may find it difficult to remove your Invisalign aligners discreetly without losing them. However, it’s important to remember that the aligners must be removed before eating or drinking anything other than water. You should also brush your teeth before replacing the aligners, as food particles can build up and affect the movement of your teeth according to your orthodontic treatment plan. If you don’t maintain good oral hygiene, your aligners may become stained and you may be at higher risk for cavities and bad breath.

If you choose Invisalign, it can be helpful to carry a carrying case to keep your aligners clean and protected when they are not in use. This can help to prevent damage and keep them in good condition.

You’ll need to take costs and finances into account.

The cost of Invisalign clear aligners may be similar to or slightly higher than the cost of braces, depending on the nature of the orthodontic issue being treated, the duration of treatment, and other factors. In some cases, certain orthodontic problems may be difficult or impossible to address solely with Invisalign, and the orthodontist may recommend using braces to finalize tooth positions. This could potentially increase the overall cost of your treatment.

You may need attachments.

In some cases, attachments may be required to help the Invisalign aligners stay in place and move the teeth as prescribed. These attachments are small, button-like pieces that mimic the color of teeth and are placed on certain teeth. The number of attachments needed can vary from patient to patient, with some not needing any and others requiring them on most teeth. While these attachments are designed to blend in with the teeth, they may give the appearance of wearing clear braces rather than clear aligners.

Advantages of Braces

They are a versatile treatment option.

Braces are a powerful orthodontic treatment option that can correct both simple and complex facial and dental issues, helping you achieve your desired smile. Braces use brackets, anchors, and wires to move the teeth into their proper positions, making them effective for precise results and potentially shorter treatment times. Your orthodontist may recommend braces if they are necessary to achieve the desired results and can apply more force to move the teeth into proper alignment. Invisalign may have limitations on how much teeth can be shifted, so braces may be a better option in certain cases..

You’ll have multiple types of braces to choose from.

If you want to make your braces less visible, we offer ceramic (translucent) braces that are made of tooth-coloured ceramic material instead of metallic grey or silver. This allows them to blend in with your teeth, making them less noticeable. If appearance is a concern for you, we may have a solution even if you do need braces

The duration of your treatment may be shorter with braces.

If your goal is to correct misalignment and close gaps between teeth, the treatment time for some patients may be shorter with braces compared to Invisalign. If you are looking to complete your orthodontic treatment as quickly as possible, it may be helpful to ask your orthodontist if one treatment option will significantly reduce the duration of your treatment. This can be an important factor to consider when making your decision.

Disadvantages of Braces

You may be less than enthusiastic about the appearance of braces.

Some people may feel self-conscious about their appearance when wearing traditional metal braces, as they can be more noticeable on the teeth. This may be a concern in social or work settings. If appearance is an important factor for you, it may be helpful to discuss your options with your orthodontist

You may find brushing your teeth challenging.

Brushing and flossing with braces may require a bit more effort, as the braces are fixed in place (unlike Invisalign aligners, which can be removed). You’ll need to be careful when brushing around the brackets and wires. If your teeth are not cleaned properly while you are wearing braces, plaque can accumulate around the braces, leading to tooth decay and staining that may remain even after the braces are removed. That’s why our orthodontists take the time to teach patients how to effectively brush and floss with braces.

You’ll need to take extra care choosing food.

When wearing braces, it is important to avoid hard and sticky foods that can damage the braces or cause food to get stuck in the wires. You should also avoid carbonated or acidic beverages, as they can lead to tooth decay and harm your braces. If any food gets stuck in the archwire, breaks a bracket, or causes a bracket to come loose, you will need to visit your orthodontist right away to have the issue repaired. Multiple incidents with braces can prolong treatment time.

You’ll need to see your orthodontist for regular visits.

After you get braces, you’ll need to visit your orthodontist approximately every 4-6 weeks to have them adjusted, check your treatment progress, and determine if any changes need to be made to stay on track with your treatment. With Invisalign, you’ll have fewer visits to the orthodontist, typically about every 8 weeks or so, as the aligners have already been made and you’ll change them at home.

How will I make the right decisions about my orthodontic treatment?

If you are just beginning to explore your orthodontic treatment options, you may be feeling overwhelmed or confused as you try to determine which option is best for you. There are many factors to consider, and it can be a lot to think about. However, you don’t have to go through this process alone. Our team is here to answer your questions and address your concerns every step of the way. We’ll provide recommendations to help you make informed decisions about your oral health.

Are you trying to decide between braces and Invisalign clear aligners for your orthodontic treatment? Contact us at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery to schedule an appointment for an initial assessment. We can help you understand your options and make an informed decision.

Bite Problems in Children and Adults

1 Jan 2022 DENTAL

Although it is not always talked about, our bite plays a crucial role in our orthodontic health. Each person’s bite issue is based on various individual factors, but there are seven main types of bite problems that we commonly see at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery in both children and adults. We’ll discuss these types of bite problems today.


Types of Dental Bite Problems

Teeth play a significant role in our facial structure, self-confidence in our smile, ability to eat, speak, and chew, and overall oral health. However, bite problems can affect both the function and appearance of our teeth. Whether they occur in children or adults, bite problems may cause discomfort and pain now and impact our oral health in the long term. Here are seven common bite problems that we often see in both children and adults, and the potential complications they may cause if not corrected.


1. Open Bite

An open bite occurs when the upper and lower front teeth slant outward and do not touch when the mouth is closed. This can be caused by strain on the alignment of the front teeth due to thumb sucking, overuse of a pacifier or feeding bottle, TMJ disorders, or skeletal conditions. There are two subtypes of open bite:

  • Anterior open bite: This happens when the back teeth are together and the upper and lower front teeth do not overlap. This can lead to mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, or excessive sucking.
  • Posterior open bite: This occurs when the front teeth meet, but the back teeth do not.

Possible consequences if not corrected: Speech problems and swallowing issues (tongue pushes through teeth when swallowing) may occur if an open bite is not corrected.


2. Crossbite

A crossbite is a common type of malocclusion (bad bite) that occurs when teeth grow closer to the cheeks or tongue. This can be caused by delayed tooth eruption, an improperly erupted tooth, or misalignment of teeth (including baby teeth). Crossbites can affect a single tooth or groups of teeth.

Possible consequences if not corrected: Asymmetrical jaw growth, shifting of the jaw to one side, and wear on the tooth enamel (outer layer of the tooth) may occur if a crossbite is not corrected.


3. Deep Bite

A deep bite, also known as an overbite or closed bite, occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively when the mouth is closed. Causes of this bite problem include thumb sucking or excessive nail biting in children, and grinding or clenching of teeth in adults.

Possible consequences if not corrected: The upper teeth may bite into the lower gums, and the lower teeth may bite into the roof of the mouth, leading to early wear on the enamel and possibly gum disease if a deep bite is not corrected.

4. Underbite

An underbite is a condition in which the lower teeth extend further out than the upper teeth, causing discomfort and an extended chin. Common causes of an underbite include thumb sucking in children, overuse of a baby feeding bottle, and genetics.

Possible consequences if not corrected: Abnormal stress on the jaw joints, wear on the teeth, and a “bulldog” appearance to the face may occur if an underbite is not corrected.

5. Spacing

Spacing or gap teeth problems refer to the presence of too much space between teeth. These issues may be caused by missing teeth, undersized teeth, oversized jaws, or a combination of these conditions.

Possible consequences if not corrected: Food particles may become stuck in open spaces, leading to the possibility of gum disease, cavities, and other dental issues if spacing or gap teeth are not corrected.

6. Crowding

Crowding is a condition in which the teeth do not have enough room to emerge and become crooked or rotated. It can be corrected through palatal expansion, tooth extraction, or braces.

Possible consequences if not corrected: Crooked or rotated teeth can be difficult to clean, leading to the possibility of tooth cavities if crowding is not corrected.

7. Protrusion

The protrusion, also known as “buck teeth,” is a common bite problem that occurs when the upper jaw is positioned too far forward or the lower jaw is too far back. This can cause the teeth to appear protrusion or to emerge at an angle. Poor oral habits, such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting, severe crowding, and genetics can contribute to protrusion.

Possible consequences if not corrected: Accidental fracture of upper teeth, difficulty in comfortably closing the lips and mouth, which can lead to dry oral tissues and tooth decay, speech problems, and a long, narrow face.

Orthodontic Treatment at Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery

Orthodontic conditions, such as open bite, crossbite, teeth crowding, and others, are common among children, teens, and adults. These bite problems can affect an individual’s oral health and overall well-being, and it is best to address them as soon as possible. Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery can help find solutions to alleviate symptoms and potentially prevent complications that may arise later in life. Depending on the patient’s age, specific issue, and other individual factors, we may recommend early preventative treatment for children, which may lead to a shorter treatment phase in their teenage years. For teenage patients, we may offer treatment options such as braces, Invisalign Teen, or addressing airway and sleep apnea concerns. Adults may also undergo orthodontic treatment for oral health protection and aesthetic reasons, and will have their own set of concerns. Regardless of age, we prioritize our patients and offer customized orthodontic treatment plans.

Are you or your child experiencing a bite problem or an orthodontic issue? Contact Alliston Orthodontics & Oral Surgery for a consultation. Our team can examine your teeth and recommend personalized treatment options to help.

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